Week 3 Part 1:

Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business?

Maybe I could say that sometimes it has been difficult for me to make some purchases that I made over the internet and that I could not communicate to be recognized that they had not sent me the right thing, or that they had sent me something damaged, I think this is the closest situation I've had in terms of communication with an online store business.

Does social media make it easier to get noticed or get your problem solved?

I completely believe that social media facilitates all types of communication, one can get much easier to recognize, listen, respond than in other times, and not only is it easier to communicate but also more effective and faster without hesitation , we save a lot of time to communicate and to receive a response regarding what we have requested or asked.

Have you ever had a positive experience communicating with a business through social media?

Yes completely, in fact, I think that all my situations have been positive, as I said before, not only by solving the problem effectively but also by the rapids that allow social media to solve situations.

If it was your own business on social media, how would you respond to positive or negative comments?

This is a good question, in the case of good comments I think it's nice as well as they recognize you, recognize those people who have complimented you or followed them in a post or story, and encourage those who react positively to follow doing it, in the case of people who may have some negative attitude, I think the best thing in these cases is to try to find a solution to what has been raised, if it was a negative comment, perhaps without much goal or logic to put it aside, but Maybe if it is a constructive criticism to take it as such, and try to improve from that warning for each day grow a little more.

Describe what made your experience negative or positive.

A positive comment could be that person who is grateful for example in the case of my business the information that we provide, and it is there where we also appreciate your comment and we keep it informed to give you more information of your liking,


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